Monday, July 6, 2009

Transforming People Through Relationships

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

There are at least four elements that help people become generous givers:
  1. Teaching
  2. Relationships
  3. Experiences
  4. Appropriately-asked questions and attentive listening

I would like to speak about experiences today and the questions and listening in the next blog.

One of the most effective discipleship "gifts" is to put people in touch with other generous givers, even if they don't give to your school or ministry. As a matter of fact, it may have even more impact since there is no appearance of manipulation to our particular cause. These interactions can inspire others in their giving journey.

A second way to inspire givers is to introduce them to stories of other givers. There is something powerful about hearing the testimony of someone with whom you can relate. The Holy Spirit can and does quietly work in the hearts of people when they sit back and contemplate someone else's journey.

Appeal letters that feature generous giving can be very powerful especially if the readers can "hear" the first-person account of how they came to this point.

Lastly, and very carefully, we can share our own lives and what the Lord has done and is doing in terms of our stewardship. It sis important that we speak from first-hand experiences, lest we fall into the trap of being outside of the process and lose the legitimacy of our ministry.

There are several cautions as we share our own story with others:
  1. Check your heart - make sure you are not puffing yourself up or using experience to coerce others
  2. Remember Who brought us this far - it is a work of grace that we can stand and testify; give glory to God in all things
  3. Ask yourself -would this be the kind of witness that will encourage?
To think of donors is to understand their needs and offer appropriate encouragement. This means we have to know them well enough to know to how to communicate. Also, we have to have our own antennae up to see the stories that are appropriate for sharing.

I suggest we find others in our stewardship world who will "sharpen our iron" as well.

1 comment:

  1. Undoubtedly, the experience of giving is life-changing. And fortunately, some of us are given the blessed opportunity to be on the recieving end of this experience. Great post!

    Harold, you and I share a mutual friendship with Matt Hugg. We should try to connect in-person sometime.
