Monday, June 22, 2009

No Competition in the Kingdom

In ECFA's Focus on Accountability newsletter (2nd Qtr. 2009) Shelley Cochrane lays out the case for why we should not be striving to improve our ministry resources at the expense of other Kingdom enterprises.

See the entire article here

Here is the shorthand version of Shelley's writing:
  1. Shortage of resources - "...the issue of competition is only a symptom of a much greater problem. Competition in the kingdom exposes the fact that Christians falsely believe that resources are finite and inherently limited".
  2. A God-centric model - "There is no evidence in God's word to indicate that God encourages competition to improve performance and motivation. A god-centric model is not based on a finite, closed system that encourages competition, but rather on the nature of God Himself. God is never confined to limitation of time and space."
  3. The Human Element: Faith in God's Supply - "God created people with the ability to learn and think and act. Very often accomplishes His will by enabling men and women to exercise their gifts and abilities to produce good results."
  4. So what does biblical stewardship look like? - "God resources what He initiates, and great care must be given to discerning the mind of Christ before creating an agenda that requires funding...When the believer crosses the line from fixating on the tangible to relinquishing himself into the hands of a fearsome God, this desperate dependence is the substance of faith."
  5. Collaboration not Competition - "Whether the structural competition that has crept into our ministries is accidental or intentional, a choice must be made. Every single servant of God must choose: Either God is abundantly able to meet every need according to His riches in Christ Jesus or there is a shrinking pie of resources and each ministry must get a piece before it's gone." Shelley goes on describe how we fundraisers can help others to be generous toward God. This can only come if we believe everything we are telling the donor.

There is also a collaboration that can (and should) happen between ministries. This cooperation is not just exchanging ideas (tips, tricks and techniques), but sharing stories of transformation that the Lord Himself orchestrates; He just lets us be used in the process.

Lastly, what a testimony we can have when we demonstrate love and appreciation for each other's kingdom work. Non-Christian can look at that see how we love and care for each other.

More Gospel grace in action!

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