Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Board's role in carrying the message

As much as each of us in the development / fundraising / stewardship world must be consistent and passionate about the organization we represent, the board should be even more so.

Board members are volunteers who have declared their love for the school and who have pledged to biblically lead the school for the glory of God. They are responsible for financial integrity (and for raising resources), setting the direction and implementing the vision of the school.

There are these and other explicit duties required of each board member. However, there is another one, to give the school its passion and its flavor.

In this role the board prays that that Lord is guiding their steps and giving each leader their own marching orders about how He wants him or her to represent the school to the community (both internal and external).

Here is an opportunity for each one who has been called to leadership to ask the Lord to bring to mind what is special or particular to their contribution. As the stewardship/development professional we can assist in that by literally re-visiting each board member to see where they are in their thinking for the next year.

Board members are vital parts of the stewardship/advancement/development effort. The vision and mission of the school is developed and protected by this valuable consistency. They are also "amplifiers" of stewardship message of caring for our donors. Plus, they and the administration are the most visible ambassadors for the school.

There are two valuable by-products of connecting with board members at the beginning of the new school year. Unity of purpose and message is one. The other is an opportunity for the board member to publicly declare their support for the stewardship effort, which is an "all hands on deck" work of the school.

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