Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Asking the Next Question

In our work to both bless others and enlarge the network of friends we must be somewhat inquisitive in asking questions. My general framework is the "3 P's of the Stewardship Conversation".
  1. What has God given you a Passion for? What Kingdom work excites and fulfills you?
  2. What gifts (Provisions) of time, talent and treasure has God given you that you can make available for Kingdom work?
  3. To what destination (or Purpose) could the combination of your passions and provisions be applied? In other words, what ministry task or work would be a good intersection of the first two?

One month ago, I volunteered to host a meeting of the local green ways leaders. They are managing farmland adjacent to the school so we want to be in on the plans for Community Sustainable Agriculture (the co-op idea).

In the meeting I met Mike who asked me questions about the school and we got to talking about his interests. In addition to agriculture, he is also a Gideon. After a little more conversation we put together a plan for him to come and present Bibles to our fifth graders and to share the mission of the Gideons. It was a wonderful convergence of Mike's Passions and Provisions.

When the presentation was made, two other men joined for the presentation. One of the two told me that his son graduated from the school where our school is now located. Further, that son now has a newborn son who the grandfather wants to introduce to the school!

While we cannot predict how and where these situations go, we can be confident that our Father has gone before us and is bringing wonderful resources and solutions to bear. We just need to be available and trusting the Lord to lead in the direction He wants.

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