Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Christian School Hosts Grandparents' Day

Last week I reported on the response from the almost two hundred guests who attended this annual event. Today I want to share the essence of what we communicated. Regardless of the immediate response we want to be faithful to the Lord's commands and principles.
As you develop this and other events, I hope you will have both the mind of the Lord and best interests of the guests foremost in your thinking.
Grandparents' Day 2011
When we go, we will leave an intangible legacy, that is all of the teaching and wisdom that you could impart to your children and grandchildren. You hope they "caught" your spirit of independence, honesty, caring, hard work, and your faith in God. Much of this you get to see in this lifetime. This spiritual legacy lasts through all future generations.
Then there is the tangible legacy, which is your material wealth. This legacy is much more quantifiable, but it is also one that, if invested wisely in a Kingdom enterprise, lasts forever.
Here are a few things to consider:
  • Each of us a steward (or caretaker) of the gifts God has given. At the end of these earthly lives we will stand before the Lord and we will be evaluated as to how we managed the gifts God put under our management. We want to hear, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
  • We cannot take our talent and wealth with us when we leave this earth
  • There is a present joy in seeing your assets used today rather than having them distributed after your death
  • Grandparents can seed into future generations of students by helping to provide scholarship funds for needs families
  • Grandparents honor the Lord in being generous givers as we respond to His commands to be joyful and cheerful givers

Grandparents' Day Response Form

I would like to be more involved in my grandchild's school. Please contact me about:

  1. Reading to younger students
  2. Being a prayer partner
  3. Being a chaparone on field trips
  4. Coming in as a guest speaker and talking about my profession or my special interests
  5. Helping with long-terms plans for the school such as the arts and music, science and technology, athletics
  6. I have some ideas on how I can help lower-income families

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