Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Christian Generosity "Works"

For some people, being generous is a not a natural act. They (we) share because the Bible tells us to share - so it must be right and good for us. Some people are so awed by the amazing grace shown to us on the Cross of Calvary that generosity is the natural expression of gratitude and love.

If, then, generosity is Biblical and good for us, what are the specific blessings that we experience and that we can share with our donor friends? In other words, how does generosity work?

1. Generosity is brilliant because it changes our lives. People who give generously feel great about it and find themselves blessed in ways they never expected. Great things happen for the giver and the receiver - bi-lateral blessings if you will. Jesus confirmed this in Acts 20:25 (more blessed to give than to receive). Proverbs 11:25 tells us "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."

2. Generosity connects us with others. When people are generous and gracious, they exude love and happiness. That type of kindness is very attractive to others. Also, when we give it makes us draw closer to the one we are blessing. If we allow this behavior to continue we become empathic and we realize that we have even more to share.

3. Generosity helps us invest in what matters. Generosity causes us to invest in high-yield instruments, the lives of others. Spiritually, generosity protects us from short-sighted, bad investments of our time, out talent, and our treasure and creates long-term wealth. In a sense, everything we do is an investment. How we do our "sowing and reaping" is a function of our maturity. Again, Jesus taught us about this in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:19-24) where He instructs us about investing where moths and rust so not destroy.

4. Generosity frees our hearts. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This is the reason Jesus gives to invest wisely and for eternity. Money is the mirror of our heart before God. The checkbook is the visible manifestation of this reality. When asked about my stewardship work, I will say (with a smile), "my job is to relieve people from the burden of wealth." Having less simplifies life and allows us to spend more time listening to God's leading.

These are some benefits that we can have in mind as we help people see the "genius of generosity".

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