Friday, July 29, 2011

Donor Growth and Maturity - Generous Giver and Mature Steward

Wes Wilmer in his book God and Your Stuff: The Vital Link Between Your Possessions and Your Soul describes the stages of maturity of the donor as he or she grows closer and closer to the mind of God in terms of possessions and giving.The six categories:

  1. Imitator

  2. Modeler

  3. Conformer

  4. Individual

  5. Generous Giver

  6. Mature Steward
Today, we will review the last two stages: The Generous Giver and The Mature Steward

Stage 5: Generous Giver

Faith Characteristics: Grasps the main ideas of an individualized faith as well as individualized practices. Becomes interested in developing the faith of others.

Evidence in Use of Possessions: Recognition that all one owns is from God. Begins to give of one's own initiative, rather than out of obligation or routine. Derives joy from giving.

My thoughts: I hope this is where most of us stewardship officers find ourselves. These donors inspire us and quietly set a high standard for others to see. They are willing to talk about and encourage stewardship, not to boast, but to desire that others experience the sheer joy of giving.

Stage 6: Mature Steward

Faith Characteristics: Little regard for self. Focuses on God and then on others. Free from man made rules.

Evidence in Use of Possessions: Recognizes the role of a faithful steward of God's possessions. More concerned with treasures in heaven than on earth. Content with daily provisions.

My thoughts: Greater humility and dependence on the Lord for every breath, meal, and a place to sleep. Quiet and centered on Christ. His or her life is an open hand of blessings received and shared with others.

As we see ourselves on this continuum, let us pray that we are seen less and Christ is seen more. The goal and end product of this stewardship is the freedom to worship the Savior with every fiber of our being

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