Secular Fundraising
- Leaders seek transactions: gifts to accomplish their organizations' purposes from donors who have financial resources.
Biblical Steward-raising
- Leaders seek transformation: to help others use the spiritual and material gifts entrusted to them to accomplish God's work.
Secular Fundraising:
- Leaders reinforce worldly thinking through strategies such as public donor recognition that may work culturally but be inconsistent biblically.
Biblical Steward-raising:
- Leaders help people discern between worldly thinking and godly thinking by modeling biblical stewardship principles.
Secular Fundraising
- "It's all about relationships!" The leader's goal is to build relationships with people that will result in many gifts over many years.
Biblical Steward-raising
- "It's all about the most important relationship!" The leader's goal is to draw people closer to God. As a result they will be more generously involved in God's work.
Praise the Lord that we can practice a distinctly Christian worldview, one that allows grows the giver in the walk with Christ and needing to be worried that our school will be underfunded.
If we focus on what God is calling us to do, He will provide resources He wants to come to us.
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