Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stewardship and Catching Vision

As I have been growing up in the development and stewardship world, I have heard some timeless sayings:

"People don't give to organizations; people give to people" "That's why development folk need to be winsome"

"People need to see the big picture and how their gift fits into the larger whole"

"People need a rational case in the mind to justify what their heart is urging them towards"

While these truisms are valuable, they don't fully take into consideration the passions of donors, nor do they make us allow for the work of the Holy Spirit in our efforts to advance or grow the school.

Last week I was meeting with a school parent and sharing with him a new three-to-five year initiative for the school. Throughout the presentation, which proposed funding for various parts of the school's strategic plan, I reminded him that these all subordinate to the Lord's plans for us.

I explained that we are not simply asking donors to agree with our plans to fund the school. We want to hear from God's people as to what He is putting on their hearts. So, as to timing and priority, we trust the Lord to tell us where He wants us and when.

This is not to say that we don't need any plans; we should and they should be well-thought out. We also need to be about catching the Lord's vision for our institution.

Some of that wisdom comes from hearing the hearts of the people who we are partnering with.

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