Let me ask, how about the being of development and stewardship? Were you filled enough to pour yourself out for another? How did you do in listening to some one's heart rather than trying to negotiate a gift?
My wife often asks me, "So, who did you bless today?" It is important to ask this because the question focuses me on the right issue, the heart of the donor or friend.
Here are a few that I can share; none of these resulted in an immediate cash gift:
- Had lunch with a friend from another school who is contemplating a capital campaign; I encouraged him to think of merging with another school who may be struggling.
- Met with a donor who has some longer-term ideas about a special program that excites his family. We discussed how we do some things in the near-term that might lead to these ends.
- Had a committee meeting with volunteers where I was able to share my passion that we do everything be first looking for biblical principles.
- Met with a local business leader who we were able to help by finding them a solution to seasonal parking problems.
In all of these we ask the Lord to direct our thoughts to how we can come alongside a person who has a need. The Lord of the Harvest brings all good solutions to pass.
What a joy to be useful in the advancement of the Kingdom, however He ordains it.
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