Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stewardship - The Heart of the Matter

I Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

When you are not "on the clock" what kinds of things do you think about and discuss with others?

Here are a couple of approaches - neither describes anyone exactly, but they represent two tendencies or orientations.

"I'm a fundraiser or administrator all day long. I want to have some downtime with people and not have them see me as one-dimensional."

"Every day that God gives me I will proclaim His glory to anyone and everyone who gives me the opportunity to share the Good News and to encourage others to walk in the way."

As I grow older I realize that my interactions with people will not continue forever. This includes family, friends and strangers.

We stewardship officers have an obligation to be good stewards of our own time, talent and treasure. For many, we may have more time and talent than treasure. So, how will we spend these?

Are we still supposed to witness and encourage others in their "gift deployment" when we are on vacation? Is it presumptuous to believe that relatives and strangers want to discuss what is on our minds?

Here is a question that I have to ask myself to help me make the right decision, "If today was the last day I ever see this person, what do I want them to remember from our recent conversation?"

I think we have a special obligation to be "on call" everyday, ready to give the reason for our hope in Christ and why we do not fear the grave.

That does not necessarily mean that we are advocating for our school at every turn, but it does mean that we care enough for others that we want them to experience the grace of our Lord Jesus.

And, yes, you may be the bearer of that good news!

Go, be blessed, and be a blessing!

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