Friday, October 2, 2009

Development versus Stewardship

Is there a difference between development and stewardship, or is it just semantics?

Development, as it is practiced, focuses on a financial transaction. In other words, we "develop" sources of funds of gifts. Development may imply that it is a process. First, someone is introduced to the school or ministry and they (may) begin as smaller donors and then work up to becoming major donors or ones that name the ministry in their will or estate planning.

Stewardship, as the Bible describes it, is the wise use of our time, talent, and treasure. Isn't stewardship, then, just an expanded definition of giving? Isn't it just saying that that you can give your time and talents if you don't have extra money to contribute?

I would say that the practice of stewardship involves more than assessing the ability to give and then "spending" out of the excess.

Let's try this. What if we (in the business) loved our donors enough to stop long enough to hear their heart? What if we provided a space for them to express their passions for Kingdom work and how they could express their love for Christ if current resources were no object?

What if we asked donors to take an inventory of their God-given gifts, talent and other resources? In this way, we are participating in "whole life" stewardship, not only the spending of financial assets.

Lastly, what if we helped make the connections between their God-placed passions and God-given provisions to accomplish Kingdom purposes. Some of those purposes may actually fall to our school or ministry. If they come to us, that is great. If not, then another ministry is blessed.

The practice of stewardship doesn't necessarily involve raising lots of money. But, don't be surprised if the Lord releases amazing funds when we do our work His way!

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