Monday, August 3, 2009

Thinking about Capital Campaigns

As I begin my work in my new school I am forming up my own description of the Tall Oaks Classical School "story". It includes the courage and faithfulness of the pioneers who began the school 15 years ago (a few are still involved!) and the growth from the "networked home school" to a fully-accredited organization poised for growth today.

With that potential for growth, we get to dream about the future and I am in the process of doing with that various stake holders of the school. While each person has a different slant on things, I am hearing three recurring themes that might be helpful to share with other schools in a similar position.

I call it the "Human, program and property" Capital Campaign - not catchy (yet), but hear me out.

Human - parents are so willing to sacrifice to send their children to a premier Christian school, but it does cost a lot to operate one. How about an endowment for Financial Aid? A fund whose annual earning would fund the amount parents need to finish paying tuition?

Program - Is there a Christian school teacher who is paid what they are worth? Of course not. These men and women are called by the Lord to a good work, but they should be able to afford to live without having to supplement their income with unrelated work. How about an endowment for Teacher Enhancement? This fund's earnings could be used for increasing pay, offering bonuses or providing enhanced benefits.

Property - This is the capital campaign we are mostly familiar with, providing for future numerical (and program) growth. How about an endowment for our next home? This fund could provide the seed corn for the expansion or re-location to a new physical plant.

However we think and plan, let us share these big ideas in an atmosphere of expectation that the One who owns the cattle on a thousand hills delights in giving good gifts to His loved ones!

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