Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell.
I don't like to wait, especially when I and the school need financial gifts to come in to meet a project need.
This is the end of the year. We sent out the year-end appeal and we have received a good response, but not a great response (at least in terms that I measure).
Several people have told me that they are going to contribute, but the gift has not come in. Should I write? Should I call with one of those "gentle reminders"?
And, I am a little frustrated, too. You see, there are people who can give, but don't. There are people who can give more than they do, but won't.
This frustation can create a tension between me and the donors;; one that is not healthy for long-term relationships.
Then, thankfully, the Lord (gently) reminds me of some very important truths:
- I am not the fund raiser - He is. I am the "catcher" and "acknowledger" of the good gifts.
- I did not always "get it" in terms of giving; this took many years of maturing. And, I still don't get it as I should. Growing in grace is a process.
- He has always provided what we needed and when we needed it; why should I presume that we know the Lord's schedule, which is always perfect?
- That I need to walk fully in the faith that I proclaim - that is to trust in Him and be gracious with everyone. He has been patient with me for these years; I need to be patient with my brothers and sisters as well.
So, on this steamy day near the end of the fiscal year, be still and know who is God.